[песня] Nameless Being - Nameless Song of Love&Peace

Модератор: Noxer

Аватар користувача
Повідомлень: 1559
З нами з: 27 жовтня 2004 00:00
Группа: Nameless Being
Звідки: Измаил-Прага-Одесса-Ильичёвск-Киев
Контактна інформація:

[песня] Nameless Being - Nameless Song of Love&Peace

Повідомлення Nameless »

Nameless Song of Love and Peace

- What do you want me
To tell you about?
Why can’t we be happy?
Talk to me, please!
- We are just people,
Kind a difficult question
I just don’t know,
Maybe, we don’t deserve it

Our world is the best place
Where one ever lived
Oh, Lord, please, pray for us
Then smile and forgive
Let’s turn all our faces
To our families
And say that we love ‘em
Long live Love and Peace

Why are we here?
What were we born for?
Is somewhere a place,
Where we wanna live?
Where is that only one
Wonderful human?
Live for the sake of him,
Die for his soul!

The soul is the largest
What everyone has
The heart is the best
One can give to another
Your eyes is the only place
I could sink in
I will, you just wish
Long live Love and Peace

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